I've always thought that buying books was not for me. I don't want to store them, haul them when I move, pay for them, and most of the time I don't read them twice. I am a very strong advocate of local libraries.
However, I have become a coffee table book fanatic. I find myself swooning over books that I long to put on my coffee table. This first occurred with the domino book mentioned a couple weeks ago; however, this weekend heightened this new addiction. While in NYC I came across book after book that I longed to own. I shant list them all or even attempt to list very many...but suffice it to say it started at the metropolitan museum of art where i wanted to buy 3 or 4 books full of beautiful artwork and photographs and only worsened at MoMA. where it became almost unbearable and I had to leave the store...
so if i had loads of cash today. I would purchase the domino book previously mentioned, The Sartorialist, Frank Lloyd Wright's complete collection, and something featuring photos by Walker Evans.
*picture borrowed from apartmenttherapy
I love coffee table books. Its always interesting to see what people set out as well. As for my parents' table down stairs there is a book on lighthouses and one on outhouses. Believe it or not, there are some pretty cute outhouses out there. Its pretty fascinating to flip threw and see all the different ways people have been inspired to make theirs stand out from the rest.